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Ballinasloe Articles: people

Jack Keogh Ballinasloe IRA sent for trial - May 1924
Transcribed and submitted by Damian Mac Con Uladh
Jack (John) Keogh was a prominent member of the IRA in and around Ballinasloe during the War of Independence, and depending on one’s viewpoint, gained notoriety or fame during the ensuing Civil War, which commenced in June 1922. What follows is an account of his exploits in the East Galway region before his capture by Free State forces in May 1924.
Jack Keogh IRA escapes from from Athlone - January 1923
Damian Mac Con Uladh
In January 1923, Jack Keogh of the anti-Treaty IRA managed to escape from Athlone barracks. His escape was raised in the Dáil some days later.
Jack Keogh IRA - arrest August 1922
Transcribed and submitted by Damian Mac Con Uladh
An account of Jack Keogh's arrest at Clonbrock by Free State forces in August 1922.
Jack Keogh - Ballinasloe IRA
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Biography of Jack Keogh, prominent and controversial member of the IRA in Ballinasloe in the 1920s.
List of Ballinasloe men who died in World War One
Damian Mac Con Uladh
This is a list of 106+ men who were born or lived in Ballinasloe and who were killed fighting in the British Army during the First World War.
Feeder schools survey - Ballinasloe results
Damian Mac Con Uladh
This survey provides information on where Ballinasloe leaving cert students go on to college.
Charles Ward
Transcribed and submitted by Damian Mac Con Uladh
Charles Ward (b. 1848) was the oldest resident in Ballinasloe in 1936. This article records his memories of the past - from serving in the Boyle Militia, the Ballinasloe Fair, to the first car to appear in Ballinasloe. A rare and fascinating insight into how people viewed historical change in the past.
Brinsley Le Poer Trench, the 8th Earl of Clancarty
Transcribed and submitted by Damian Mac Con Uladh
Brinsley Le Poer Trench (1911-1995), or the 8th Earl of Clancarty, was a son of the last Lord Clancarty to live at Garbally. He was passionate about UFOs as his obituary explains. Although this Clancarty probably never visited Ballinasloe, one wonders what the town would have been like had he been the local landlord!
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe by Declan Burke - chaper 1
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Declan Burke (b. 1938) was born and raised in Ballinasloe, where he lived on Dunlo Hill. With a great eye for detail, in this article he reminisces on his childhood in the town, discussing among other things days in the bog, the winter of 1947, bikes, missions, and chewing gum.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe by Declan Burke - chapter 2
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Declan Burke continues his exploration of his Ballinasloe boyhood past. This week he recalls the Tenebrae Lenten ceremony which both enthralled and terrified him as a boy.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe by Declan Burke - chapter 3
Damian Mac Con Uladh
In his riveting third autobiographical installment, former Dunlo Hill resident Dr. Declan Burke takes us on a journey of memories through the hallowed corridors of Scoil Ghrealláin Naofa or St. Grellan's Boys' National School, discussing the exploits of its patron, the teachers, and his classmates. Watch out for the bitter ending!
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe by Declan Burke - chapter 4
Damian Mac Con Uladh
His Christmas treat to all of us - Declan Burke marches back into time and recalls his years in the ranks of the FCA, the Irish Army Reserve. Weekends of vintage guns, shooting ranges, Finner Camp and gambling ...
Sir Andrew J Horne - Ballinasloe man and character in James Joyce's Ulysses
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Andrew Horne (1856-1924) of Ballinasloe was the first Master of the National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street, Dublin. James Joyce used him as a character in chapter 14 - Oxen of the Sun - of his famous work, Ulysses. This short article contains some biographical information on this famous obstetrician.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe by Declan Burke - chapter 5
Damian Mac Con Uladh
How did young people in 1950s Ballinasloe imagine their future job prospects? In his fifth autobiographical installment, Declan Burke describes the depressing economic reality of 1950s Ireland, the boat to England, and describes the magical lure of the land of opportunity over the Atlantic.
Boyhood in the 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 6 - The Red Bridge
Damian Mac Con Uladh
In his sixth installment, Declan Burke recalls his summer days down at the Red Bridge, avoiding trains and young girls and picking mushrooms if he could find them.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 7 - Nicknames
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Ballinasloe has always had a rich tradition in nicknames, whose origins were often obscure. Here, Declan "Snake" Burke takes us back to the nicknamed characters of his Ballinasloe youth.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 8 - Hospitality
Damian Mac Con Uladh
"Come in for the tea" is a phrase commonly heard around Ballinasloe. Visitors would be ill-advised to turn down such a request. Continuing his historical odyssey, Declan Burke returns to the Ballinasloe of his youth, recalling visits and visitors.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 9 - Sex and Hunterbuck
Damian Mac Con Uladh
An Irish politician once declared that "there was no sex in Ireland before The Late Late Show!". Indeed, the Bishop of Clonfert once rang in to complain about a discussion about women's nighties on the show. In this installment, Declan Burke confirms that sex did in fact exist in the Ireland (and Ballinasloe) of the 1940s and 50s. Read on!
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 10 - That's Entertainment
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Ballinsloe in pre-television days was not an idle or a dull place. As Declan Burke explains in his tenth autobiographical installment, locals amused themsevles with 78" records, books, cards, cinema and radio. Have things inmproved since then?
John Manning of Ballinasloe - Veteran of the Battle of Trafalgar
Damian Mac Con Uladh
The Battle of Trafalger (1805) is one of the best known naval battles of modern times. Ballinasloe man John Manning fought in the battle on Nelson's ship HMS Victory. In this article, Peter Duckers gives an outline of Manning's life and appeals for more information.
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 11 - Sporting Ballinasloe
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Team sports were never Declan Burke's favourite, who in his latest foray to bygone Ballinasloe produces a detailed and humorous inventory of the sporting aspect of the town in the 1950s, taking in disciplines from the GAA to Ballinasloe "pocket billiards".
Boyhood in 1940/50s Ballinasloe - Chapter 12 - Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Damian Mac Con Uladh
In his conclusing chapter of his Ballinasloe life story, Declan Burke goes philosophical and breaks Ballinasloe down into four elemental categories - Earth, Air, Fire and Water. This series has come to an end and I'd like to thank Declan for his excellent contributions to date. Hopefully, Declan, you'll entertain us with some new material in the future!
Death of Jack Keogh
Damian Mac Con Uladh
On 6 May 1945, Jack Keogh, onetime IRA leader in Ballinasloe, was found dead in a field beside the Technical School. It was later established by the coroner that his death was the result of accidently drinking bird poison. Here is how the East Galway Democrat reported the incident.
Index to Gearrbhaile, Garbally College annual
Transcribed and submitted by Damian Mac Con Uladh
Gearrbhaile was the Irish-language journal of Coláiste Ghearrbhaile/Garbally College. First published in 1927, the last regular edition appeared in the 1965. In all, 36 issues appeared. It was effectively replaced some years later by the Fountain. A commemmorative edition was published, however, in 1993 to mark the centenary of the College.
Billy Carroll, Ballinasloe-born American comedian
Transcribed and submitted by Damian Mac Con Uladh
Billy Carroll (1853-1896) was born in Ballinasloe. Emigrating to the United States, in 1872 he began his career as a comedian and singer and was huge success. This short obituary gives some details on a man largely forgotton by history.
Execution of Captain T. Mannion in 1820
Damian Mac Con Uladh
This short report is on the execution of a "Captain T. Mannion" at Birchgrove in Creagh in 1820. Described as a "leader", Mannion may have been involved in agrarian secret societies. The "Hon. and Rev. Dr. Trench" mentioned in the report is Charles le Poer Trench, a monument to whom stands on Dunlo Hill.
War and Peace - Ballinasloe from 1919 to 1923
Damian Mac Con Uladh
At the height of the Civil War, one humourous story appeared in the columns of the East Galway Democrat concerning Martin "Coffey" Bradley. A member of the Free State army, he was reported killed at Limerick, but after a full military funeral, Coffey Bradley appeared in person by car from Galway!
Assassination of Sergeant Thomas Craddock RIC
Damian Mac Con Uladh
Sergeant Thomas Craddock was a member of the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) whose mother lived in Ballinasloe, in the gate lodge at the bottom of what is now Duneda. In August 1920, he was assassinated in Athlone, where he was stationed, by the IRA and was later buried in Kilclooney with full (British) military honours. Below are two reports from local newspapers: the first from the Unionist "Western News" and the second from the Nationalist "East Galway Democrat". Further on is a summary from a recent book which sheds more light on the reason behind Craddock's shooting.
Matthew Harris commemoration 1984
Damian Mac Con Uladh
In 1984, Creagh Community Council and Tadhg Mac Lochlainn organised a commemoration at the grave of Matthew Harris in Creagh Cemetary. In addendance was Ulick O'Connor, a great-great grandson of Harris.

Ballinasloe Articles: People